Nazareth College is proud to announce recent gift commitments of more than $3.4 million to the Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute (WRI), an initiative that will dramatically expand clinic and learning space for Nazareth’s School of Health and Human Services. Special thanks and gratitude to the vision and investment of the individuals, families, and foundations who have provided these generous gifts, including the William and Sheila Konar Foundation, the Wegman Family Foundation, the Duda Family Foundation, the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council, and Alden Trust.
“In this new institute, we will train the next generation of health care providers in our region, create opportunities for research, and provide clinical services that address the wellness and rehabilitation needs of members of the larger community. The institute clearly will benefit the College and the community, and we are most grateful to these long-time supporters of Nazareth College,” says President Daan Braveman.
The $16.5 million Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute initiative is designed to grow existing programs in Nazareth’s School of Health and Human Services, boost enrollment by an estimated 30 percent, and increase provision of excellent health services in on-campus clinics and in the community and beyond.
For more information, visit the York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute.