Social Media

The official Nazareth social media channels are meant to build community and share updates about what is happening within our community among our students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni audiences. We encourage our followers and other Nazareth social media accounts to share and submit content, tag @nazarethuniversity (@nazuniversity on Instagram), comment, like, reshare, and interact with all of our content appropriately.

Share content

Tag @nazarethuniversity (@nazuniversity on Instagram), send through direct message on any of our channels, or via email at We look forward to connecting with you!

Check out Nazareth's social hub for the latest posts.

Guidelines for using social media

Identify the audience, goal, resources
  • Specify your goals for using social media.
  • Identify the audience, what you want to accomplish, and what resources/capacity you have.
  • Consider what content you can generate to meet that goal, and how often.

Those answers guide the decision about whether to use social media and if so, which social media channel to use.

See more details below for how to use social media effectively.

Who do I contact to get started?

See contact person listed on this page.

Please reach out for expert advice before starting a blog, Instagram account, Facebook page, or other social media account. Save yourself time and effort. First talk through what your goals are and the most effective strategy to reach them.

Social media best practices for employees

The keys to success in social media are being honest about who you are, being thoughtful before you post, and respecting the community.

Think before you post. There's no such thing as a "private" social media site. Search engines can turn up posts years after the publication date. Comments can be forwarded or copied. Archival systems save information even if you delete a post. You are legally liable for what you post on our sites and on the sites of others. Be sure that what you post today will not negatively affect you in the future. Do not post confidential, financial, or proprietary information about Nazareth, its students, its alumni, or fellow employees. Use ethical judgment, and follow university policies and federal requirements, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Be authentic. Be honest about your identity.

Be professional. You represent Nazareth at all times. Review the Nazareth Employee Handbook. The rules for employee conduct apply to you in the social world, too. Sharing internal communications outside Nazareth may result in disciplinary action. A general rule of thumb: if you are interested in posting or quoting publicly from an email, check with the sender first.

Be accurate. Make sure that you have accurate facts before you post. It's always better to verify information with a source first than to have to post a correction or retraction later. Cite and link to your sources whenever possible. You are welcome and encouraged to provide a link to (or any other official Nazareth site).

Be respectful. You are more likely to achieve your goals if you are constructive and polite while discussing a negative experience or disagreeing with a concept or person. Do not post material that is harassing, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, hateful, or embarrassing to any person or entity. Do not post words, jokes, or comments based on an individual's gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or religion.

Respect copyright. Do not post any images or other content from another source unless you are sure it is in the public domain or that the owner has granted permission. Check the platform website's terms of service to see if the site has rules about when you may reproduce content.

Best practices for social media managers

For students, faculty, and staff who manage social media accounts: A guide,

Social Media Comment Policy

The official Nazareth social media outlets are where students, parents, alumni, and others can learn about and share information about what is happening in our college community. We encourage our fans and followers to post, comment, and interact with others. We expect that remarks will be on-topic and respectful of all participants.

Nazareth reserves the right, but is not obliged, to remove comments that are racist, sexist, abusive, profane, bullying, violent, obscene, spam, that advocate illegal activity, contain falsehoods, are wildly off topic, duplicate, libel, incite, threaten, or make ad hominem attacks on Nazareth students, employees, guests, or other individuals. We also do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial, political, or other ventures unless we deem them related to the institution, its members, or its operation. All content and posts are bound by the Terms and Community Guidelines for that service.

Posted comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Nazareth.

If you have any concerns about the content posted on one of our social media outlets, please email us at We thank you for your help in creating a safe, vibrant, and respectful online community.

When using social media on behalf of Nazareth (i.e., for professional networking or as a Nazareth representative), please follow the guidelines above.