A letter from Nazareth College President Daan Braveman to the Class of 2020:
Dear class of 2020 grad,
In the context of limitations regarding large group gatherings mandated by New York state, Nazareth College has come to the difficult decision to host our Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremonies as an online event on July 18.
Like you, we had hoped that a traditional, in-person commencement would be possible this year. From our faculty and counselors to our staff and support teams, every member of our campus community would like nothing more than to see your proud smile as you cross the stage and loudly cheer you on as you take hold of your diploma.
We have watched you grow, learn, and prepare for life during your time at Nazareth, and you have earned a special place in our hearts as the class that rose up, rallied, and carried on in the face of unprecedented challenge.
I know that for many grads this news of an online commencement will be disappointing to hear. I wish things could be different. Please know that we will do our very best to make this online commencement an event to remember.
Already, our operational teams are banding together to work out technical details and logistics like the time of day, the schedule of events, how to get your cap and gown, and more. Updates to plans will be posted to our webpage, Nazareth 2020 Commencement, and will be emailed promptly.
While there are many unknowns we need to work through yet, we do know this: This ceremony is immensely important. It marks a significant milestone in your academic career, professional career, and your life. As well as we possibly can in this time of social distancing, we intend to honor it with the respect it deserves and the celebration you have earned.
Daan Braveman, President
Prepare for virtual celebration Class of 2020: Download banners, yard signs, and more with the Commencement tool kit.
Julie Long | Chief PR Officer, | (585) 781-8186 | jlong2@naz.edu
Nazareth University is an inclusive community of inspired learners, educators, and changemakers who for 100 years have been driven by a bold commitment to action, empathy, equity, and leading innovation for the common good. Impact experiences are at the heart of a Nazareth education, preparing each student to discover within themselves the potential to cultivate positive change in their life's work, in any career field, and in a world that is constantly evolving and infinitely interconnected.
Our broad academic offerings present a range of study options typical of larger universities, yet achieved in our supportive campus culture. Nearly 2,100 undergrad and 600 graduate students enroll in degree and certificate programs and engage in collaborative, transformative learning experiences, preparing for the professions and society of today and tomorrow. In a learning community that purposefully integrates liberal arts and professional programs, Nazareth University graduates are able to launch a lifetime of impactful leadership in communities and workplaces near and far.
Class of 2020 graduates can download and print signs like this from the Commencement celebration tool kit.