Organizational Structure
- Board of Trustees
- President Beth Paul
- Assistant to the President & Board Support Professional Sean Falzarano
- Vice President, Advancement Darrell Bell
- Vice President, Strategic Enrollment, Marketing & Communications Danielle Bucci
- Vice President, Strategy & Innovation Yousuf George
- Provost & Vice President, Academic Affairs Maureen Finney
- Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Science, Business & Education (CLASBE) Tom Lappas
- Dean, College of Interprofessional Health & Human Services (IHHS) Cathy Rasmussen
- Interim Dean, College of Visual & Performing Arts and Design (VPAD) Maureen Finney
- Vice President, Culture, Community & Belonging Wayne Hilson
- Vice President, Finance & Administration Karen Kuppinger
- Chief People Officer Damika Arnold