How To Access Your Course Schedule

Two ways to check:

  • Google Chrome is the preferred browser.
  • Log into NazNet Self-Service using your My Naz username and password. If you have trouble logging in, get help from our Technology and Media Service Desk, 585-389-2111, or email (provide your full name and best callback number).
  • Select "Student Planning"
  • Go to Plan & Schedule. (Arrow over to the fall term if necessary.)


When viewing your schedule:

  • Use the calendar view to see courses listed in day and time blocks.
  • You are registered for all courses that are listed in green.

 Have questions?

  • See common questions on the right side of this page! If you have a question about your schedule that's not answered below, email Academic Advisement at If you need additional help, call us at 585-389-2871.

Common Questions from Incoming First-Year Students

How do I get registered for my first-semester courses?
When is my fall course schedule final?

Individual schedules are posted online the first week in August.

But please note: As Advanced Placement (AP) and other college credit reports arrive, your schedule may change if we find you are registered for courses you don’t need. Plan to check your schedule in August for any changes.

Am I waitlisted for a course?

No. We do not waitlist first-year students for any courses. Courses that you are registered for are outlined in green in the calendar view of your Student Planning semester schedule. If you see the message "This course has a waitlist," it just means that other students (returning students, primarily) are waitlisted, or that it is full and no one else can register for it.

What if there is a problem with my schedule?

We do our best to accommodate your preferences for courses and times, but you may not end up with what you consider “a perfect schedule” in the first semester. If you have a critical scheduling problem, though, please call us or email us so that we can work with you. Some course times are dictated by your housing request, your major, or a team you plan to be a part of.

We do prioritize schedule change requests related to student accessibility, athletic participation, transfer credit, academic program changes, commuter status, and regular work and family commitments. Additionally, some changes may not be possible due to specific program requirements, course and/or section availability, course sequencing/requisites, and departmental restrictions.

If you need course accommodations for a documented health reason, please Student Accessibility Services, We work with students to provide reasonable accommodations that ensure equal access to courses.

Can I make changes to my schedule on my own?

While Student Planning won't prevent you from adding courses to a semester plan, it will not allow you to register for them or to drop any courses. For your first semester, all changes must be made by Academic Advisement. Please email us at with details about your concerns and we will respond within a few business days. You may also call 585-389-2871 and we will note your concern and respond within a few days.

Why do some students have two ACS courses?

All first-year students take the one-credit ACS 101, Academic and College Success, in their first semester. This class helps you to maximize your college experience and discover the value in community involvement and diverse global perspectives.

Some students also indicated on the course selection survey that they'd like to take the optional one-credit course ACS 200, Advanced Academic Strategies. In this course, you'll dive deeper into time management and study strategies and apply them in your other coursework. This course is optional and is taken in addition to ACS 101, not instead of it.

Which course is my first-year seminar?

In addition to taking ACS 101, all first-year students take a first-year seminar (FYS), which is a smaller-sized PEQ that includes strategies to develop speaking skills, extra focus on how the course fits into the core curriculum, and a community building activity to get to know your classmates and professor. To identify which course is your first-year seminar, look for a course code that ends in .F (instead of the usual .Q for core courses), such as PSY.F, MTH.F, PHL.F.

How many credits will I take in my first semester?

Almost all full-time students take between 14 and 18 credits per semester.

Most classes are 3 credits each. Labs and some music courses are one-half to one credit each.

The minimum number of credits for full-time status is 12 credits.

What degree requirements will my fall courses fulfill?
  • P-EQ (Perspectives-Enduring Questions) courses. Eventually you’ll take one P-EQ in each of these eight Perspectives areas: History, Literature, Mathematics, Natural Science (with lab), Philosophy, Religious Studies, Social Science, and Visual & Performing Arts. 
  • Major Courses. Some majors start you out right away in their courses, and others do not. Sometimes a course for your major will also fulfill a requirement for a P-EQ.  The chair of your major has approved your schedule, so don’t be concerned if you aren’t yet taking courses specifically for your major.
  • First Year Seminar. This is any course whose code ends with “.F” such as  HIS.F 108, PSY.F 102, AHI.F 120, etc. All first-year students take this P-EQ, and you’ll do some out-of-class activities together to supplement your learning. You must take one of these in the fall.
  • ACS 101 (Academic and College Success). This one-credit course will help with your transition to Nazareth. You must take this in the fall.
  • Foreign Language. Certain majors and programs require a foreign language. Most students start this in the fall.
I've taken some college courses already. How do the credits transfer?

On the First-Year Fall Course Selection Survey (May or June), you indicate which college courses you’ve taken, and from where.

Nazareth needs to receive an official college transcript directly from the institution that granted the credit, or in a sealed envelope that you forward to us unopened. If you haven't requested your transcript be sent to Nazareth, please do so. Do this even if you took the course through your high school; we can’t accept high school transcripts as proof of college credit.

If we don’t receive your official exam score reports in the summer, you might end up re-taking the course in the fall. 

I've taken some AP/IB/CLEP courses. When will I know if I got credit for them?

You indicate on the First-Year Fall Course Selection Survey which exams you’ve taken. If you listed Nazareth when you took the exam, a grade report is automatically sent to Nazareth in early July. Check NazNet to see if the credit has been posted to your record. If you did not request that your grade report be sent to Nazareth, contact College Board to arrange this.

If we don’t receive your official exam score reports in the summer, you might end up re-taking the course in the fall.

If my fall schedule has a class that I think I've taken already, how can I remove it?

Email us ( as soon as possible with the number/name of the course you took and the institution granting the credit. We want to be sure the course on your schedule is not a repeat of a course you’ve taken already and will respond to you at your Nazareth email.

Who is my academic advisor?

Check NazNet Self-Service in August for the name of your academic advisor. Typically, advisors aren’t available until about the time of new student orientation. For any questions about your schedule or major, contact Academic Advisement at

How should I arrange for accommodations for a disability?
Chemistry: Who needs to take the CHM.Q 140 Readiness (pre-assessment) Exam?