First Year Pre-Registration

Your Academic Journey Begins Here

Selecting your first-semester undergraduate courses is an exciting milestone — the beginning of your academic journey at Nazareth! With so many courses and opportunities available, the process may feel overwhelming, but don’t worry! The Academic Advisement team is here to guide you every step of the way.

The summer academic advising process is structured into five key steps, leading up to course registration.

Step 1: Complete your academic interests form
Early March – Early June

This required form helps the Academic Advisement team understand your academic interests and goals. You'll confirm your program of study, share information about your background, and identify any pre-college credit (AP, IB, or dual enrollment).

Step 2: Prepare for your first-semester course selection
Early April – Early June

After submitting your Academic Interests Form, you'll need to:

  1. Set up your MyNaz Account
  2. Log into NazNet Self-Service
  3. Log into Student Planning

Step 3: Build your first-semester course schedule
Mid April – June 15

Now it’s time to start building your schedule! Log into Student Planning and follow the Building your Schedule Guide (available April 18, 2025) to help you navigate the course selection process.

Important: To ensure you have a say in your course selections, please build your schedule by June 15. If you don’t complete this by the deadline, a professional academic advisor will create a schedule for you based on the academic requirements of your major.

  • Action: Access Building your Schedule Guide (available April 18, 2025)

Step 4: Request your course schedule
Late April – June 15

Fill out the request form to notify us that your course selection is complete so Academic Advisement can review and approve course registration.

Step 5: Connect with an advisor and engage in the approval process
Early June – Early August

To complete the process:

  1. Send official transcripts and test scores (AP, IB, or college credit) to Registration and Records via email to
  2. Check your Nazareth email daily for updates on your schedule, orientation, and move-in details (
  3. Review your schedule once it's available in Student Planning. Details: Access Your Fall Course Schedule
  • Action: Log in to your Nazareth email to stay up to date.

Contact Academic Advisement for any questions