No, an IEP or 504 plan does not automatically qualify a student for accommodations. Additional documentation may be needed to determine eligibility.
No. Submit your documentation of disability directly to Student Accessibility Services.
Yes. Any special housing accommodations that are necessary due to disability-related need, please follow the Special Housing Accommodations process. Our Special Housing Accommodations Committee will review all requests and consider options on a case-by-case basis.
If you believe that your current accommodations are not adequate or your situation has changed, please submit a Supplemental Request through Accommodate for a review of the documentation and your situation. Updated documentation may be required. Students may contact Student Accessibility Services for assistance or to discuss unique situations.
If you are struggling with coursework or other issues, contact the Director of Student Accessibility Services to discuss your situation, consider on campus and off campus resources, and develop a plan.
No. You can pick which accommodations to use in each class. However, those decisions are not retroactive. For example, you cannot retake an exam after you have chosen not to use extended time.
Students who are approved for extended time and distraction-reduced location for tests must book a reservation to take their exam in the testing center. Students taking their exam virtually in a location outside of the testing center are encouraged to connect with their instructor prior to exam day.
Your responsibility is to provide or facilitate the accommodations listed on the letter. Accommodations are designed to place students with disabilities on an "even playing field" with their peers. They are not designed to give students an unfair advantage over other students.
If you are unsure how to provide the listed accommodations, talk to the student or contact Student Accessibility Services for further assistance.
Due to student confidentiality, we are unable to talk to staff and faculty about a student's individual disability without the student's permission. However, many times talking directly to the student about his or her needs can be more effective.
Check the student's accommodation letter to see if flexibility in either area is reasonably accommodated. If not, respond to the student as you would any other student in class who has not turned in assignments or missed class. If there are concerns about the number of absences or late assignments, contact SAS. The FlyerSuccess system can be a helpful tool to alert students of course progress concerns.
Yes. Exam appointments are finalized once our office has received instructor approval of the exam request through Accommodate. This ensures that both the student and the instructor have agreed upon a date and time of the exam. Additional information provided with the approval includes timing, allowable materials, and contact preferences to ensure accurate delivery of your exam.
Please complete the Method of Delivery/Return section of the exam request approval in Accommodate to indicate your preferences.
Exams can be sent to SAS virtually through the Accommodate exam portal or by email to Completed exams can be returned via email if preferred.
All exams can be dropped off and picked up at the SAS Testing Center (GAC 61A). Testing Center hours are Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
If you are dropping your exam off before 8:00 AM or after 4:30 PM, please slide the exam under the GAC 61A door.
ReadSpeaker is a text to speech plug in application that reads aloud text within Moodle and, if enabled, reads test questions to students. This can be very beneficial to students to hear the questions to understand what it is asking.
ReadSpeaker needs to be enabled for EACH exam/quiz within Moodle. Once enabled for a certain quiz, it will remain enabled for following semesters.
Here is the written step by step guide to enable ReadSpeaker, also select the following link to the TLT page for the video how-to guide for enabling ReadSpeaker.
If your question isn't answered here, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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