Naz Communicates

President Paul and members of Cabinet have initiated several new communications vehicles and opportunities in 2024 for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and external partners to engage with Nazareth leadership. Options include:

Naz Next Department Dialogue Dates

President Paul is excited to chat with staff or academic departments — over coffee or lunch — regarding the future of Nazareth and what might be next on the broader higher education landscape. Provost Maureen Finney will also join President Paul for these Naz Next Department Dialogue Dates when held with academic departments. If your department or area is interested in signing up for one of these one-hour conversation sessions, please indicate your interest.

Leadership Laps with Prez Paul

There’s nothing like a one-on-one “walk and talk” session to get the heart – and the ideas – pumping. Each month President Paul will offer a walking meeting and conversation on the topic of leadership. First-come, first-served. Please include your name, email, and department name. You will be contacted to set up a date and time. Students, faculty, and staff: Sign up »

Office/Area Deskmate Days

Sign up to have President Paul work from your office area. President Paul will spend half a day doing her daily tasks from your office space so you and she can both see what a typical day looks like. First-come, first-served. Deskmate Days take place once per month. Please include your name, email, department name, and location. You will be contacted to set up a date and time. Faculty and staff: Sign up »

Table Topic Talk

Each month in 2024, President Paul will host an informal roundtable discussion on a particular topic at a location on campus. No sign-up required — just show up ready for a stimulating conversation.

Monthly Presidential Briefings with Shared Governance Bodies

Each month, Dr. Paul meets with leadership of Staff Senate, Faculty Senate and the Undergraduate Student Association to discuss university updates, opportunities, challenges and concerns relevant to the constituents of each of these governing bodies.

Keynote Presentations + Speeches

Nazareth leadership is constantly looking for opportunities to share Nazareth Univerity' s leadership with key audiences beyond our campus. In 2024, Dr. Paul has already served as keynote speaker at the American Conference of Academic Deans annual meeting in Tampa.