Choosing Integrative Studies Courses

In the new core, you begin with foundational courses and Perspectives-Enduring Questions courses. In the foundational courses, you will develop the skills you need to be successful in college and life. In P-EQ courses you will explore a variety of thought-provoking questions in eight different disciplines.

When you reach the Integrative Studies (IS) part of the core, you get to choose your own topic or thought-provoking question that interests you! You select three courses that relate to that topic/question; these are your Integrative Studies courses. Ideally, you will also choose an Experiential Learning pathway that helps you explore it outside the classroom. When you get to the Core Milestone Experience, you will reflect on your core and major courses and experiences and integrate what you learned as it relates to your topic/question. You direct your own learning!

How do I go about selecting an IS topic/question?
How do I go about selecting IS courses that relate to my topic/question?

Portfolio at Naz

Be sure to upload artifacts into Portfolio at Naz for any courses that are potential IS courses for you. You will use these later during your Core Milestone Experience (CME).