Dance Auditions

An audition is required for all dance majors.

Applicants who want to pursue a dance minor are encouraged to audition to be considered for a performing arts scholarship.


  • Submit the appropriate application: First-time students | Transfer students
  • Auditions are required before applicant notification, as Nazareth accepts students directly to our programs. If you are applying to another major and auditioning for Dance, you may receive notification earlier.
  • Schedule your audition
    • Timing: Auditions are held from fall to spring. All audition dates will close two weeks prior, so please register early.
    • Format: In-person, with a virtual option if you cannot be at one of our in-person dates. For a virtual option, email Favor Chujor at
  • Upload any relevant materials to your Admissions Dashboard

Schedule Your Audition

Select an audition date


After registering, you will need to provide a dance resume and photo. These should be uploaded through your Admissions Dashboard.

Virtual audition

Nazareth will coordinate with you a recorded audition. You will submit your recordings through your Admissions Dashboard using YouTube.

Please email Favor Chujor at if you’d like to pursue this option.

Audition Process

Master class

Come to your audition prepared to take a master class taught by Nazareth dance faculty (ballet barre and center, across-the-floor modern combination), dressed in appropriate body-conforming dance wear. Please bring ballet shoes and wear leggings or convertible tights for going bare-foot during Modern.


After the group class, you will perform a prepared two-minute solo in the style of your choice. Please bring any appropriate dance shoes, your music (on your phone app is perfect; we have an adapter for the sound system), and a water bottle in addition to the attire above.

Tips to ace your audition

    "Be yourself... we want you to be the person you are."

    Heather Roffe, Nazareth University dance professor & program director


    For technology issues, questions about the admissions process, or questions regarding your application:

    For questions related to the theatre & dance department or audition material:


    Nazareth offers performing arts scholarships based on the quality of your dance audition for both dance majors and minors.