Nazareth offers a great combination of academic challenges and support, along with individualized planning for life after college. We're here to help make the college choice process go smoothly.
Evaluate benefits and focus on finding the best college for your child.
College search and planning tips for you and your high school junior.
Key deadlines during senior year, plus a summary of things to do to get college ready.
A one-stop site for applying to colleges like Nazareth University for free.
See application deadlines for Nazareth University and filing your FAFSA.
Take one step at a time, following this helpful college planner showing what to focus on when.
In the fall of senior year, be aware of early decision deadlines and advantages.
For 10th and 11th grade college search
For 12th grade
What to look for:
Nazareth invests in high-impact practices such as experiential learning because they are shown to benefit students’ success. Nazareth graduates are well prepared for their next step toward their life’s work. A full 98% of Nazareth graduates are employed or have gone on to grad school within six months of graduating. See where on the Outcomes webpage »
Do alums get hired? Or get accepted into grad school, for careers that require a master’s or doctorate?
Also look at other measures of success, such as ability to pay back college loans (loan default rate); professional licensure pass rates; and participation in high-impact practices that correlate to college graduates getting hired sooner and/or commanding higher starting salaries.
For example, at Nazareth:
It’s common for students to initially not know what to major in — or to change their major in college. It’s good to know what support is in place for undeclared majors, and whether students can switch and still graduate on time.
Figuring out your "life's work" takes a village! The world of work has changed dramatically and is projected to continue changing at a rapidly accelerated pace. Helping students discover and think about what they like, what they're good at, and what they care about can be vital to making the most of their college years.
Nazareth’s approach:
Learn more:
Consider: Any of us can feel pressured and stressed if we keep getting asked to think about and make big decisions about our future. That's why Nazareth's career coaches take a true coaching approach to support and guide students so they can make the right choices for them, combined with proven tools and strategies.
Emily Pelkowski, an assistant director of career education in Nazareth's Center for Life's Work, shares these career coaching tips for adults talking to students about their future:
Your child likely wants a college big enough to have a wide selection of majors (see Academics question above), a vibrant campus life, and lots of opportunities (Nazareth has 75+ study abroad programs in 35+ countries!) — but small enough to offer individual attention, mentoring, and support by faculty.
Those student connections with faculty provide critical guidance during college and needed recommendations for jobs, grad school, etc.
Learn more: Faculty spotlights, including what students say about professors »
Colleges in big cities or rural areas are at the ends of the spectrum.
In the middle is Nazareth: a classic, New England-style campus just a few miles from a medium-sized city that’s known for innovation, music, arts, and culture. Learn more about Rochester, New York »
The campus culture is welcoming and friendly — and the list of opportunities for stretching yourself and having new experiences is long. With Nazareth’s partnerships, students can go nearby or far away for civic engagement opportunities, internships, and study away/abroad.
The best way to truly know a location and its pros and cons is to visit. Schedule a campus visit »
In the meantime, learn about campus life »
Students in college can face challenges with academics, mental health, and staying on track to meet graduation requirements.
Nazareth has multiple efforts in place to support student success, including:
You want your child to complete college well prepared for a career.
The reality is they’ll typically have multiple careers over their working life — even in roles that don’t exist today.
And work is one part of their life. They also may have passions for certain causes or values that are important to round out a satisfying life.
Look for colleges that develop the whole person.
Nazareth’s approach is to prepare students not just for a job, but for their life’s work.
A centerpiece of that is the Center for Life’s Work, which pairs students with career coaches immediately to help shape their experience to meet their goals, which can start with determining goals. Center for Life’s Work »
Nazareth’s Health and Counseling team put together these tips for you.
How can you tell if your student will be happy at the college they are considering?
This is unique to each student, what they hope to experience while in school, and other factors. But certain indicators suggest that the odds are in your favor. Ask about the college's retention rate for students from the first to the second year. Look at what's available to help students connect with others. And your student can ask current students — such as that tour guide who showed you around campus.
Nearly 100% of new alumni are employed or in graduate school within six months of graduating.
Contact the Admissions office: or 585-389-2860
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