Wellness Outreach and Prevention

  • Through the Well-Being Collective, we offer a variety of fun and exciting outreach educational programs, presentations, and events focusing on different health topics. Programs include learning about the risks, safety and harm reduction when using alcohol and other drugs, suicide prevention, physical fitness, nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, healthy relationships, sexual health, mindfulness, positive body image, self care, and many others. Programs are routinely offered on campus throughout the year and announced in "This Week at Naz" e-newsletter and on the event calendar — see Well-being Events. We invite you to connect with us, join in the fun, and take proactive steps to live a happy and healthy life. 

Contact John Rigney with questions, or to schedule a wellness program, presentation or event. jrigney7@naz.edu

Request a Program

Faculty, staff and organized student groups can request interactive programs/presentations focused on building specific skills, for a wide variety of health topics. We have a robust offering of comprehensive programs and presentations, and we will work with you to customize the program/presentation to meet your needs. 

Email: John Rigney, jrigney7@naz.edu