Primary Care Services


Health Services provides a wide array of Primary Care services. Please see below.

Contact us to make an appointment >

Included in your Supplemental Fee:

  • Diagnosis and treatment for acute illness and injury (visit the Naz Student Health Portal for a comprehensive list of appointment types)
  • Evaluation of rash, acne, concerning mole, cyst, warts, or other skin concerns
  • Psychiatric medication management (student must be seen by a counselor, before they can be seen by a medical provider for a new prescription.(Note: prescription for psychiatric medication is not guaranteed and may require a referral to an off-campus psychiatric specialist, depending on the nature and severity of the condition) Students who require bridging of medication from their medical prescriber at home will need to provide a copy of documentation from a recent visit and list of current medications
  • Referrals for specialist care off campus (students must be seen by a medical provider in order to determine the nature and medical appropriateness of a referral)
  • Well-woman exams- screening for cervical cancer (Pap test)
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment.
  • Pre-exposure HIV prophylaxis (PrEP)/Post-exposure HIV prophylaxis (PEP)
  • Visits to discuss contraceptive options.
  • In-house lab services: rapid tests: urine dip, covid-19, strep, mono & pregnancy tests
  • First aid
  • Laceration repair
  • Suture removal
  • Ear wax removal
  • Nutrition consults
  • Sleep disorder consults
  • Crutch loan
  • DMV eye exams
  • Health education materials
  • Other sexual and gender health education and counseling
  • Free condoms
  • Free over-the-counter cold and pain medications
  • Free hygiene products (inventory changes and is based on manufacturer availability)

Your health insurance carrier will be charged for the following:

  • Prescriptions 
  • Blood draws, viral, or bacterial cultures sent to an offsite lab as part of a medical work-up
  • Labs associated with routine screening for cervical cancer (Pap test)
  • Labs associated with sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment
  • Rx for Pre-exposure HIV prophylaxis (PrEP)/Post-exposure HIV prophylaxis (PEP)
  • X-rays and other imaging as part of a medical work-up
  • Fees charged by a specialist following referral
  • Fees charged by a hospital following emergency care or admission
  • Fees charged by an ambulance for emergency transport

Charges due for services rendered (cash, check, or credit card accepted):

  • Sickle Cell Testing for Athletes: $20 by appointment
  • TB (PPD) testing & reading: $25 by appointment 
  • Physical exams to meet academic, athletic, or job requirements: $35 by appointment
  • Allergy injections (must be on maintenance therapy): $20 by appointment
  • Other Injection administration (ie: Humira, Depo Provera, Ajovy, etc.): $15 by appointment
  • Plan B/Ella: $25

Naz Student Health Portal

Visit the Naz Student Health Portal to:

  • schedule an appointment
  • check in for your appointment
  • request lab results
  • request prescription refills
  • enter health insurance information
  • enter dates and upload proof of immunizations
  • complete your health history 
  • sign the meningitis vaccine waiver
  • message a staff member


In addition to reasonably priced in-house antibiotics, we also offer electronic prescribing to several local pharmacies. We do partner with Wegmans Pharmacy in Pittsford, NY to deliver your prescriptions to Nazareth Health and Counseling Services for free.

To set up prescription delivery service, you can call Wegmans Pharmacy, 585-381-1305, or fill out this authorization and payment form and drop it off at our office or fax it to the Wegman's number on the form. We'll call you when your prescription has been delivered and you can pick it up from our office until 4 p.m. weekdays.

Prescription Refills

Please allow 3 business days for medication refills. Contact us through the Student Health Portal, contact your pharmacy to request a refill, or call our office at 585-389-2500. Please do not request a medication refill via staff email.

To ensure you receive your prescription refill, please provide:

  • your first and last name
  • date of birth
  • name, dose and frequency of medication
  • name and location of your pharmacy
  • phone number to reach you

PPD Clinics (TB Testing)

PPD Clinics are offered in August and September to nursing, PT, OT, and speech students for $25 cash, check or charge. After a test is placed, you must return in 48 hours to have the test read.

  • Students, you can check the Student Health Portal to see if you have had a current PPD (within the past year) here at Nazareth.
  • Faculty, please call 585-389-2500 to set up a PPD clinic if you have a group of students needing PPD testing.


Cost for services?

There is no charge to see a medical provider. However, a fee will be charged for  physical exams (athletics, employment, internship), TB testing (PPD), and administration of allergy and other injections. Please see Primary Care Services above. We accept cash, check, debit, or credit card. 

All students are responsible for off-site lab fees, x-rays, and prescribed medications. Individual out-of-pocket costs for these services will be dependent on the student's insurance carrier. 

Health Insurance Coverage?

All registered undergraduate and graduate students attending Nazareth University are required to carry health insurance. Students will need to show proof of insurance coverage prior to their arrival on campus by entering their insurance information into the Nazareth Student Health Portal. This must be updated each Fall semester with current insurance information, and anytime there is a change in your insurance policy.

While most students are covered under a family plan, students who do not have access to coverage may qualify for free or low-cost health insurance coverage through New York State.  Enrollment is open year-round, and most plans cover preventive care, such as routine medical visits and screenings, immunizations, mental health services, prescriptions, x-rays, specialist visits, urgent care, and hospital care. For more information about New York State health plans, visit New York State of Health and Student Health Plans & Other Options

International Students

Nazareth University and the U.S. The Department of State requires all F-1 international students to obtain health insurance recognized in the United States for the duration of their stay. Students will need to show proof of insurance coverage prior to their arrival on campus by entering their insurance information into the Nazareth Student Health Portal. This must be updated each Fall semester with current insurance information.

International students will be advised to research medical coverage before residing in the United States to make sure their policy covers accidents, emergencies, health complaints, prescription drugs, and doctors’ visits.The college is not responsible for any medical expenses incurred by the student. Guidelines for selecting a policy can be found on the webpage for the Center for International Education in the FAQ section.


A student’s medical record at Health and Counseling Services is confidential. Information in the medical record is only released with the student’s request and written permission, or by judicial subpoena.The one exception to this is in a life-threatening situation when it may be necessary to release information on a need-to-know basis.

New York State Law requires that “medical records shall be retained in their original or legally reproduced form for a period of at least six years from the date of discharge” (10 N.Y. Comp Codes R. & Regs. 405.10). Health Counseling Services retains student records for 6 years after a student leaves the college, after that period of time the records are destroyed.

Information cannot and will not be released to anyone without prior written consent from the student.

According to federal privacy laws, parents do not have the right to know if or why their son/daughter has visited Health Services. If a student is 18 years old or older and has given us written permission to discuss care with parents/legal guardians, we will talk to them regarding only the issue(s) mentioned in a signed Authorization to Disclose Medication Information form. Long-term blanket Release of Information forms are not accepted. Written permission needs to be given each time a student wants Health and Counseling Services to discuss care with his/her parents or legal guardians.

Veterans benefits?

The usual fees for PPD skin test or the MMR vaccine is waived.

Medical excuse letters?

Per university policy, Health and Counseling Services does not provide medical excuses for missed classes, exams, or assignments for brief illness/injury as medical conditions are confidential and occasionally unverifiable. This policy is based on limited resources, which are better dedicated to providing patient care, the inability to make valid determinations about illnesses or injuries students may have effectively managed themselves, and a commitment to student privacy.  We suggest students engage in dialogue with faculty members regarding their circumstances for missed classes or assignments. 

If an illness or injury is expected to last longer than three days, and the student has been seen by a provider in Health and Counseling, the provider will notify the Office for Student Success so that instructors are notified that the student may be absent from class due to a medical condition. Both the student’s instructors and the student will receive a Flyer Success Alert.

This policy is consistent with recommendations from the American College Health Association,  and is similar to other colleges and universities. It is respectful of students and their responsibilities, promotes trust among students and faculty and allows students more time to devote to their studies.

If you have not seen a provider in our office, and believe you will miss class due to illness, please contact Academic Success & Accessibility at to notify the University you are ill and you will be absent from the classroom for "x" number of days (depending on when you expect to be ready to return based on the type of illness and severity of your symptoms). Note: you should be fever-free for 24 hours without OTC medications, and your symptoms should be generally improving before you return to class. The University will send a “notification of absence” alert through the Flyer Success System to notify instructors of students who will be absent from class and the number of days that will be missed. If you are unsure of the exact number of days, use a range (ie: "I will be out of class for 3-5 days, due to being sick with fever, sorethroat, etc.").

For those who work and/or have clinical internships, contact your supervisor/placement coordinator to discuss your status and return to work/internship date. 

Responsibility for class attendance and completion of assignments rests primarily with students, who assume responsibility by communicating directly with faculty via email or phone.

Please see Respiratory Illness- If you test positive for COVID-19, RSV, or Flu for more information. 

How do I complete my nursing health review?

Nursing majors who are juniors and seniors: Go to Naz Student Health Portal to complete your Nursing Health Review.

Over-the-counter medicine?

The Nazareth University Bookstore in the lower level of Shults Center has a large inventory of over-the-counter medications.