Find an Internship

Interested in completing an internship, but not sure of the next step? Review the questions below and then be sure to follow the procedures for registering and earning credit.

Step 1: What do you want? Focus on a field.

You don't have to decide now what to do with your life forever AND it's okay have more than one interest area. But you will have a much easier time with the internship search if you have an idea of what you want. If you're stuck on Step 1, there are many people and offices on campus that can help. Talk with your advisor and your Career Coach!

Step 2: Create a resume and have it reviewed.

Several students may be applying for the same internship, so you want to put your best self forward. Your Career Coach is a great resource. The vast majority of employers ask students to apply by emailing a resume or uploading it through their website. They may require a cover letter, too, which is another reason to visit the Career Design Office.

Step 3: Find and apply for internships.

Once you have a focus regarding the type (or types) of internship(s) that would be most interesting, think about postings, people, and places.

  • POSTINGS - Start with Handshake, Nazareth's online database of internships and jobs. If an employer wants to advertise an opening to our campus, this is where you'll find it! You will also find a variety of great resources in Handshake. You should connect with your Career Coach to brainstorm additional ways to find postings in your area of interest as well.
  • PEOPLE - Alert your friends, faculty members, parents, and neighbors (everyone!) that you're looking for an internship. Talk to them about your interests to help them help you. It is common for students to find an internship through a networking connection.
  • PLACES - Do you have a specific company in mind? Or can you make a list of companies that do what you want to do? With that list, we can circle back to PEOPLE and POSTINGS to see if we can find a connection for you.

Then apply! It can be a little anxiety-provoking, but don't let that stop you from hitting submit or send. Many of the best positions fill quickly.

If you find or develop an internship on your own, talk with the Director of Internships and your departmental advisor about the position to ensure it will be approved for credit.

Countries with a "do not travel (level 4)" advisory from the U.S. Department of State are not eligible.

Step 4: Prepare for interviews.

Many internships require an interview. This can be very different than interviews you've had in the past for part-time and summer jobs. Be sure to prepare! The Career Design Office has resources to help you and also offers practice interviews.

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Career Design Office

Career Design Office will help you with resumes, cover letters, interview preparation and more.

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Sean Saville sits with guitar with New York City skyscrapers behind him

Sean Saville, a music business major, interned with a music publisher in New York City. Read more »