
Cable & Internet Connections
Email (Google Apps)

Using Your Google Mail Account (Nazareth email)

Moodle: MyCourses@Naz

Using Your Moodle Account (Nazareth's online course management system)


NazAlert notification system will notify students, faculty, and staff of an emergency occurring on campus. See Campus Safety's NazAlert page.

NazNet: Financial Account & Course Registration Information
On-Campus Jobs at ITS

We hire students to assist with technology needs and services. Stop by the Technology & Media Service desk in the Library – Lower Level and ask for details. ITS will be interviewing interested students at the campus Job Fair during Orientation weekend.



From any University desk/wall phone, you can reach any other University extension by dialing only its four-digit extension. Campus Safety's emergency-only number, from campus desk/wall phones: 3333.

From a mobile phone, call a campus phone by dialing 585-389-XXXX, where XXXX is the extension number. Campus Safety's emergency number: 585-389-3333.

Dialing from University phones

  1. To other University extensions: Dial the 4-digit extension number
  2. To off-campus local numbers: Dial 9 + the 7-digit local number.
  3. To long-distance numbers: Dial 9 + 1 + the 10-digit number (including area code); then you'll hear a tone and need to enter a departmental long-distance code)
Wireless Access (WiFi) on Campus

All campus buildings and residences halls feature pervasive wireless network access.

Network: NazCommunityWifi — designed for laptop computers, tablets, gaming consoles, and smart phones.

Password (case sensitive): GoldenFlyers

With the wide availability of wireless network access in all residence halls, there is no need to setup your own personal wireless router. ITS discourages students from setting up their own wireless networks (including wireless desktop printers) as they could interfere with the operation of college-managed wireless services

If you have questions about wireless access or require assistance connecting, please contact the Technology & Media Service Desk, 585-389-2111.

Nazareth University App

This free mobile app enables students to do many Nazareth tasks in a mobile-friendly format. Info:

Nazprint Release Stations

Students, you can upload your print jobs to the cloud using a web browser.

Pick up your print job at any Nazprint Release Station with a swipe of your ID card.

New Students

Planning to bring a computer on campus? Take a minute to review our recommended technology purchases.

student on computer

Have Questions?

Contact the Technology and Media Service Desk: