
How Roommates are Assigned

Nazareth University believes that an important part of the residential learning experience is getting to know and deal with new friends in a new environment. Most national studies show that successful roommate pairings are as likely if done randomly as when prospective students are matched by a questionnaire.

We have chosen criteria that we feel are most important and included them on the application.

You also have the option on the housing application to request a specific roommate(s). You could find a potential roommate by attending a #NazBound event.

When making room assignments, we consider the preferences you indicate on your housing application and related materials.

Rooms are restricted on the basis of gender only, except where otherwise indicated.

We do not assign rooms or make room changes on the basis of race, religion, national origin, or other such factors.


How to Request a Roommate

  • After completing your housing application in the housing portal, go back to the system homepage.
  • Click "Roommate Groups".
  • Click "Create new roommate group".
  • At the top of the page you are required to type in a "Group Name" for your roommate group.
  • All members of your roommate group MUST have a housing application completed.
  • Type in the EMAIL ADDRESS for the roommates that you would like to request (use instead of
  • Click "Save"
  • The roommates that are requested need to go into their housing portal to accept the roommate request.
  • BOTH student's must have a green check mark next to their name to indicate a fully matched roommate group.
  • Under "my choice" make sure you have selected the roommate group you have created.

Living with Roommates

Getting Along
Sharing and Use of Personal Possessions
Room-keeping Attitudes
Visitors to the Room
Developing Friendships
Study Habits
Personal Habits