School-Based Teacher Educators or SBTEs (formally known as cooperating teachers) are an integral component to every teacher educator program.
The School of Education at Nazareth University thanks each SBTE for agreeing to welcome a teacher candidate in their classroom.
Below you will find information regarding the different types of clinical experiences at Nazareth University along with the details about the responsibilities held by an SBTE.
If you or a colleague have had an excellent experience with a teacher candidate and you are interested in hosting them for one of their clinical experiences, we ask that you please complete the survey below.
Request To Host A Specific Teacher Candidate
It is important to note that a request does not guarantee that we will be able to place the teacher candidate in your classroom.
There are a variety of factors that must be reviewed before a placement can be confirmed.
These factors include but are not limited to certification requirements, the timing of the request, the teacher candidate's previous experiences and district approval.
You will be notified if the placement has been approved.