Hillel (Jewish Community)

Recognized by Hillel International.

Nazareth University Hillel encourages Jewish students, faculty, and staff to gain a greater awareness of their Judaism and associated traditions through innovative and exciting programming. Hillel's mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students, create a safe space for discussing relevant topics, and work as an outreach to other faith and cultural groups on campus, thus enriching the lives of Jews and people throughout our community.

Hillel members are dedicated to creating a pluralistic, welcoming, and inclusive environment for Jewish students, where they are encouraged to grow intellectually, spiritually, and socially. Hillel helps students find a balance in being distinctively Jewish and universally human by encouraging them to pursue tzedek (social justice), tikkun olam (repairing the world) and Jewish learning, and to support Israel and global Jewish peoplehood.

As part of the Center for Spirituality, the Nazareth Hillel's mission is accomplished through dedicated staff and collaboration with faculty advisors, students, and other Hillel organizations at surrounding college campuses. The Hillel office is located in the Sulam Center, a prayer space jointly shared by Nazareth's Hillel and Muslim Student Association.

Students decorating the campus Sukkah

Jewish Life at Nazareth

An interview with a student: "Being a part of Hillel has introduced me to even more traditions than I participate in with my own family as well as more of what it means to be Jewish."