How to Start a Club
Two options:
Not Seeking Funding
Get listed on the Nazareth Clubs and Organizations webpage to help students find you! If you don't plan to seek Undergraduate Association funding, you will need to obtain 20 signatures from current students, hold one interest meeting, find a staff/faculty advisor, create a mission statement, and a constitution. Template: Model Constitution (Word document).
Apply for club recognition »
Seeking Undergraduate Association Funding
- Refer to the “Organizational Chartering” section of the Undergraduate Association Constitution on this page.
- Hold two interest meetings.
- Post a minimum of 15 signs advertising your meetings.
- Have at least 10 people in attendance at each meeting in addition to officers. Please record attendance on a separate sheet as well as in the minutes.
- Take minutes for each interest meeting.
- UA organizations must be open to all undergraduate students.
- Obtain 50 signatures from Undergraduate Association members (full-time, fee-paying, undergraduate students). These students do not have to want to be a part of the club, just support its creation. A petition form is available for download on this page.
- Submit required documents to the VP of Executive Operations by the appropriate deadline. See the deadlines: Requesting UA Funds.
- Requesting UA Funds has the Senate proposal form, including additional information sheet
- Organization’s constitution (see “Constitution Template” as reference)
- 50-signature petition
- Attendance sheets from interest meetings
- Minutes from interest meetings
- Copy of flyer/poster used to advertise your interest meetings
- What's next: Once all of your documents are received by the VP of Executive Operations, your organization representative(s) will be asked to present the proposal at a Senate meeting.
- Upon achieving UA club recognition, you'll get information regarding officer and club responsibilities and budget from the Executive Board. All officers must be trained by an Executive Board member.