As a fee-paying, full-time undergraduate student, you’re a part of the Undergraduate Association (UA). The UA provides governance through the Executive Board and Senate, funds the student organizations on campus, supports Diversity Council initiatives, and provides events through the Campus Activities Board.
Mission Statement
The Undergraduate Association is Nazareth University's Student Government, which provides funds, information, and other resources for the purposes of encouraging student involvement and empowering students to pursue their own interests.
Executive Board
- Made up of six positions
- President
- VP of Executive Operations
- VP of Finance
- VP of Public Relations
- VP of Diversity Initiatives
- VP of Campus Programming
- Represents the student body and acts as a liaison with college administration
- Upholds the UA Constitution and oversees all UA clubs and organizations
- Provides all undergraduate students with opportunities to be involved on campus whether through participation in clubs or attending events
- Made up of four Executive Board members and 20 Senators
- Senators represent different areas on campus – classes, diversity initiatives, athletes, commuter association, and residence hall council
- Hears students' concerns and works to address these issues
- Allocates funds for trips, programs, and other campus activities proposed by organizations
- Oversees community service activities for the UA, including the annual Breast Cancer Walk
More information on the UA Senate.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for providing oversight of the UA's finances, overseeing conference and experiential learning funding, and allocating club budgets. For check requests, deposits, pizza orders and other financial matters, see the Undergraduate Association Finance page.
Campus Activities Board
- Made up of eight positions
- Night Life
- Live@Naz
- Off-Campus Events
- Major Events
- Spirit of Naz
- Marketing
- Operations
- General Member Relations
- Creates and implements a full calendar of events each year
- Plans annual traditional events like Welcome Week, Formal, and Springfest
Diversity Council
- Made up of the UA clubs and organizations that focus on diversity and related issues
- Provides funding and programming support to those organizations
- Coordinates a diversity event series and the annual Diversity Dinner
Other Services Funded by the UA
- Bikes@Naz bike share program, which allows students, faculty, and staff to use a bike for free. In the winter, snowshoes and cross country skis are available.