UA Elections

Running for a Position

  • There are open forums to learn more about requirements for running, the roles and responsibilities of your position, and how to put together your campaign materials.
  • Write your Statement of Purpose.
    • This is a chance for you to tell voters who you are and why you want to run for office. It should be no more than two paragraphs in length as it will be put under your picture in the online elections. Please draft your document with that in mind.
  • Submit a petition with signatures supporting your candidacy.  You need 25 signatures to run for Senator positions and 50 to run for for Executive Board positions.

Information Meetings

  • March 6 | 4:00-5:00 p.m.
  • March 19| 5:00-5:45 p.m. on ZOOM - See email

Meet the Candidates Night

Stuck between two candidates? Get to know your future student government! Come to Meet the Candidates event to hear what your peers have to offer if you vote them into office. Session information forthcoming


Voting will take place online between 8 AM -8 PM on March 30. More information about the voting process will be sent to undergraduate students. Check your email!

Open Positions

Class of 2027 Senator ( 2)

Diversity Initiatives Senator (2)

Transfer Student Senator (2)

Commuter Student Senator (2)

Residential Student Senator (2)

Athletic Senator (2)