Short-Term Internships Abroad

Work cross culturally for global employers and gain valuable skills for the workforce via credit-bearing international internships that allow you to enhance your study abroad experience. These internships offer a perfect pairing between learning on-the-job, and studying abroad, all within a short 8-week time period.

Absolute Internship

Absolute Internship

Costa Rica

Costa Rica (ICADS)

Kaya Responsible Travel

Kaya Responsible Travel

CIS Abroad

CIS Abroad




Funding Sources

On your application, you will be asked to indicate which source of funding you're applying for:

  1. SPARK Grant for eligible students
  2. Non-SPARK funding (grants available through the CIE); eligibility requirements are as follows:
    • You are no longer SPARK eligible
    • An internship is required for your major/program
    • You demonstrate financial need (award based on need)
    • Preference is given to seniors
    • GPA of 2.5 or higher 
  3. Self-Fund (opt out of funding)

Long-Term Internships

Interested in studying/interning abroad for a semester or longer? Check out available programs in multiple countries!

Alternative Breaks & Solidarity and Social Justice Retreats

Learn and serve with communities locally and abroad via Alternative Breaks & Solidarity and Social Justice Retreats.

Experiential Learning

Some short-term opportunities are an approved pathway for Experiential Learning, which is one component of the Core Curriculum at Naz.