Information for Faculty

Grading Documentation for Faculty

Student Forms

Course Actions

Course Action Request Form (GR & UG) (Log in using your My Naz username and password.)

Course Action Request Online Database (Review status and details of all courses submitted through the online course request form. Accessible by chairs and deans through login.)

Data Requests

If you have a data need, please complete the Data Request Form. The request will be reviewed by data stewards in Institutional Research, Registration & Records, Admissions and the IT Office and processed by the office most suitable for the request. 

New Course Proposal Guidelines

All new course proposals must be submitted using the Course Action Form. If a new course is introduced with a department prefix and is NOT to be considered for the credits in Liberal Arts required for the bachelor's degree, approval remains within the jurisdiction of the department proposing the new course.

If the new course is expected to qualify as a Liberal Arts course* and count as part of the Liberal Arts credits required by New York State, it should follow one of the following procedures:

  • If the new course is expected to qualify as for the PEQ or FYS designation, the director of the Core Curriculum Committee will be alerted about your proposal.
  • If the new course is expected to qualify as Liberal Studies (LST prefix) as part of the total credits in liberal arts required for the bachelor’s degree, the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, Business, and Education will be notified about your proposal.
  • If the new course will carry a prefix outside of the College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, Business, and Education, and is being proposed to count toward the total credits in liberal arts required for the bachelor’s degree, the proposal needs to be submitted to the chair of the Curriculum Committee (see proposal requirements below). The Curriculum Committee will send a copy to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, Business, and Education for an opinion and/or endorsement regarding approval of the course as a Liberal Arts course. The Curriculum Committee will then determine whether the course will qualify for liberal arts credits.

Following approval through one of the three routes above, the proposal will be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for final review and approval.

Proposal Requirements if Submitting for Liberal Arts Credit Outside of CAS

1. Identify courses that already exist within CAS that contain similar content to this course and the department chairs of these courses.

a. Have a conversation with department chair within CAS where similar course is currently held. Note: Department chair(s) will be contacted by curriculum committee to obtain their feedback on the proposal of the course.

b. Justify why this course is needed in light of these other courses. (ie. What is the existing liberal arts course not doing that you need to happen? How is this proposed course going to be different? Why do you need this course instead of the other course?)

2. Rationale for why course should be a liberal arts course.

3. Syllabus which should include outline of course/ topics covered

a. Other additional information that would be helpful in supporting the case of the course being liberal arts (ie. readings)

4. Course Action Request Form (CARF) – dependent upon course

a. Only required if a new course or significant changes to course

*See NYSED program guidelines and criteria for defining Liberal Arts and Sciences courses.

Revised by the Curriculum Committee
April 27, 2017

Course Schedule and Staffing Resources

 Verification Rosters

Catalog Templates for Department Chairs

Resources for Advisors


Peckham Hall

Reg & Records Newsletters

Fall 2023

Updated Policies

As the Policies and Procedures committee approves updates to policies through the academic year they will be posted here. When the next Academic Year Catalog is published in the summer, the new/edited policies will be integrated into the larger policy list.

For any questions regarding academic policies and procedures, please contact Rachel Scott