Leave Management

Short Term Disability Process

Employee Eligibility for Disability

After four (4) weeks of employment at Nazareth University, generally, all staff members are eligible for New York State mandated disability benefits if they are unable to work due to a non-work related injury, illness or pregnancy.

Applying for Disability Benefits

1. Notify your supervisor and Human Resources as soon as you know that you will be out of work.

2. To initiate a NYS short term disability claim, employees need to file for disability benefits with NY Life, the University's disability insurance carrier.  For all the information you need to file a claim, please review the "Reporting a Disability Leave" information. 

Compensation During Disability

NYS Disability income replacement benefits have a 7-day waiting period before benefits are payable.  This waiting period begins on the first full day out of work due to a disability. 

Staff employees who are eligible for sick time, will be paid from this bank and/or other paid time off banks during the waiting period.   After the waiting period, sick time and/or other paid time off will be used to offset the NYS benefit.  Employees who are not eligible for or do not have any sick time, will be unpaid for the waiting period.

Provided an application for benefits has been approved, NYS disability payments will begin on the eighth day of disability.  NYS Short-term disability insurance provides payments of 50% of the disabled individual’s weekly wage up to a maximum of $170 per week. Employees are required to use any accrued, unused sick time to supplement NYS disability benefits to receive full pay when disabled.

Disability benefits are paid for a maximum of 26 weeks of disability during any 52 consecutive week period.  The total combined disability leave and paid family leave in any 52 week period may not exceed 26 weeks. 

Returning to Work

Written documentation is required from the attending physician in order to return to work. This release to work needs to be received by Human Resources as soon as possible but no later than the day before an employee intends to return to work.  New York Life also needs to be notified that you have been released to return to work. 

Additional Information

When employees are away from work on short term disability, they are not to conduct any business on behalf of the University, including email and returning voicemails.

GINA Notice (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008) 

NYS Paid Family Leave (PFL)

Effective January 1, 2018, the New York State (NYS) Paid Family Leave Benefit Law (PFL) provides eligible employees with partially paid, job protected family leave benefits when they are unable to work due to a qualifying event. 

If applicable, PFL will run concurrently with any other applicable period of leave, including Family Medical Leave (FMLA), to the maximum extent permitted by law.

New York State PFL - Notice to Employees

Statement of Rights for Paid Family Leave

NYS Paid Family Leave Policy

PFL Information and Process

Qualifying Events under PFL
  • To bond with a newly born, adopted, or fostered child in the first twelve (12) months after birth or placement.
  • To care for a relative with a serious health condition (including physical care and emotional support.)  A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition that involves; inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential health care facility or continuing treatment under supervision of a health care provider.
    • Relatives for whom leave may be taken to provide care include a spouse, domestic  partner, child, grandchild, parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, grandparent, legal guardian or other person whom an employee has a loco parentis relationship.
  • For a qualifying exigency arising from the active duty (or impending call or order to active duty) of a spouse, domestic partner, child or parent in the armed forces of the United States. 
Employee Eligibility for PFL

Full Time Staff

Employees who work a regular schedule of 20 or more hours per week are eligible after 26 consecutive weeks of employment at Nazareth.

Part Time Staff

Employees who work a regular schedule of less than 20 hours per week are eligible after working for Nazareth for 175 days within a rolling 52-week period.  

Employees who do not meet, and are not expected to meet the eligibility requirements for PFL must complete a waiver to opt out of PFL coverage.  Waiver forms are available from Human Resources. 

Advance Notice Requirement

Employees are responsible for providing at least thirty (30) days’ notice if the leave is foreseeable. If not, notice must be provided as soon as practicable. 

Process for Applying for Leave

Employees are to notify Human Resources, who will then complete the employer section of the “Request for Paid Family Leave” and provide to the employee within three (3) business days.  Employees will need to complete the appropriate sections on the “Request for Paid Family Leave” form and return it to the College’s insurance carrier along with any other required documentation. 

Upon their receipt, the insurance carrier will review the application and make a determination within 18 days.  

Reporting a New York Paid Family Absence with New York Life

When do PFL benefits begin?

Benefits are payable on the first day of an eligible absence. There is no elimination or waiting period.

In 2024, the maximum length of paid leave is 12 weeks.

Note: Employees taking a PFL leave are eligible for the benefit rate and number of weeks in effect on the first day of your leave.

How can PFL be taken?

PFL can only be taken in full-day increments. Leave can be taken in weekly increments or daily increments (intermittent leave).

Compensation while on PFL

In 2024, employees are eligible for up to twelve weeks of paid leave at 67% of their average weekly wage (AWW).

An employee may supplement PFL with any unused vacation, family sick leave, or personal time in order to receive full pay during their leave.  Employees cannot use their own sick leave bank to supplement PFL.  Employees must designate if they want to supplement their pay at the onset of their PFL. 


The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a United States labor law that provides up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for qualified medical and family reasons.

Leaves of absence, short term disability, PFL, and Workers’ Compensation or similar leaves will run concurrently with FMLA leave to the maximum extent permitted by law. 

Employees Rights and Responsibilities under FMLA

Family Medical Leave (FMLA)

Qualifying Events under FMLA
  • for incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal medical care or child birth;
  • for a serious health condition that makes you unable to perform your job;
  • to care for the employee's child after birth or placement for adoption or foster care;
  • to care for the your spouse, son, daughter or parent, who has a serious health condition;
  • to care of a covered service member with serious injury or illness (up to 26 weeks for this type of leave); or
  • for qualifying exigencies related to the foreign deployment of a military member who is the employee’s spouse, child or parent. 
Employee Eligibility for FMLA

Employees are eligible if they have worked for Nazareth University for at least one year and for at least 1,250 hours over the previous twelve (12) months.

Compensation while on FMLA

FMLA leave is normally unpaid leave. The University will require that unpaid FMLA leave be taken concurrently with paid time off that may be available to employees under any other University policies or practices. 

Relationship to other leave programs

Leaves of absence or receipt of benefits for disability, Workers’ Compensation or similar leaves will run concurrently with FMLA leave to the maximum extent permitted by law.  

All other University policies or practices with regard to paid leaves, whether fully or partially paid, are hereby amended to the extent necessary to make them consistent with these rules.

If an employee is eligible to take more than one kind of paid time off under the same circumstance as unpaid FMLA leave (for example, vacation and personal days), the paid time off benefits must be used one at a time. The employee must use at least one available paid leave, for so long as at least one of them is still available, at all times while out on an otherwise unpaid FMLA leave.

Paid Time Off - Staff

Sick Leave: Use for time away from work for your own illness or to attend your medical appointments.  

NYS Paid Sick Leave (PSL): Up to 56 hours per year can be used for the employee's own illness/health  appointments; to care for a sick family member or for an absence from work when the employee or employee’s family member has been the victim of domestic violence.

Vacation: Scheduled time away from work and pre-approved by manager.

**See the Staff Employee Handbook for all leave policies.**

Leave Time - Faculty

Faculty do not normally need to report sick time.

More information regarding medical and family leaves for Faculty can be found the in the Faculty Manual.