Retirement Plans

The University sponsors a 403(b) retirement program through TIAA. 

Employees select the investment mix for their retirement plan(s). Employee and University (if eligible) contributions are 100% vested. 

Defined Contribution Plan

Eligibility: Requires two years of eligible service with Nazareth University, requirement may be waived with prior service credit*

Employee Contribution (required): 2% of base salary (cannot contribute more than 2% to this specific plan)

University Contribution:

  • up to 5 years: 5%
  • 5+ years: 7%

*Prior service credit toward the two-year waiting period:

  • Credit may be applied for those who taught 22 or more credit hours at other institutions of higher education during the previous 12-month period immediately prior to joining Nazareth University. This would credit 1 year of the 2 year waiting period.
  • Credit may be applied for those who worked at least 1,500 annual hours at other institutions of higher education during the previous 12-month period immediately prior to joining Nazareth University. This would credit 1 year of the 2 year waiting period.

If consecutive time was taught or worked at other institutions of higher education, the second year of the 2 year waiting period may be waived.
A Prior Service Record form is required for waivers and can be obtained from the Human Resources Benefits office or by emailing

Supplemental Retirement Plan

Eligibility: Available upon employment or transfer to eligible employment class; staff, faculty, adjuncts who are full time and part time.

Employee Contribution: Any percentage of base pay; contributions subject to IRS annual limits. Employees may change their contribution at anytime for the next payroll cycle. A Salary Reduction Agreement form can be obtained from the Human Resources Benefits office or by emailing

University Contribution: The University does not make contributions to the Supplemental Retirement Plan.

Additional Information: Employees who are eligible to make contributions to the Defined Contribution plan can also participate in the Supplemental Retirement plan. Certain in-service withdrawals and loan allowances are available, subject to employee eligibility to request.

Annual Contribution Limits
  • Amount allowed for participants in 2025: $23,500
  • Additional amount allowed for participants age 50 or over in 2025: $7,500
  • Individuals who have more than 15 years of service with the University may be eligible for an additional contribution allowance depending on the level of prior contributions. 
  • If you want to change the amount of your contribution, or to determine your eligibility to defer additional funds, a Salary Reduction Agreement form can be obtained from the Human Resources Benefits office or by emailing
Plan Documents
Required Compliance Documents

Annual Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA) Notices:

QDIA Notice for the Defined Contribution (DC) Plan

QDIA Notice for the Tax Deferred Annuity (TDA) Plan

TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Funds - Fund Fact Sheet

Annual Fee Disclosures:

Nazareth University Retirement Plan

Looking to Speak with TIAA?

Participants can call 800-842-2776

Monday - Friday, 8 am to 10 pm (EST)
Saturday, 9 am - 6 pm (EST)
Automated service available 24/7

TIAA Counseling Sessions

Representatives from TIAA are on campus on a periodic basis to provide individual counseling sessions on investment strategies, long-term investment goals, asset allocation and general retirement and financial planning. 

If you would like to schedule a meeting when TIAA is on-campus or at their College Town office, please call TIAA at 800-732-8353 to schedule. 

Enroll with TIAA today!

Enrolling into your retirement account(s) with TIAA is easy!  

Online Enrollment Instructions

Want to meet with a TIAA Consultant?

Schedule a meeting with our dedicated TIAA representative, Mario Gonzalez. 

To schedule a meeting, go to:, call 800-732-8353, or email Mario at


Need to Make A Change?

Looking to change your investments or beneficiaries?  Log onto the TIAA website to check in on your account. 

Time to change your contribution percentage?  Contact HR for the salary reduction paperwork!