United Kingdom

Study museums and archives in England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland to see how they have changed their mission from focusing on collections of objects to engaging the public by providing emotional and dynamic experiences.

In this course, "The 21st Century Museum: Diversity, Equity, and Community," we will meet with museum staff to learn how they strive to embrace diversity, build inclusive exhibits, and work with local and marginalized communities to include their stories in the narrative of museums throughout London, Liverpool, Glasgow, and Belfast during this two week excursion.

Program Details

Interest Meetings

To learn more about this program come to our interest meeting September 28, 2023 from 12:10 - 1:00PM in GAC 127. This program is open to all majors.

If you cannot attend one of these meetings, please contact Dr. Kneeland directly who would be more than happy to meet with you individually.

Program Itinerary

NOTE: The updated 2024 program itinerary is being finalized this summer. Please check back later this summer for the new itinerary.

Program Dates

The program will run during Summer A 2024 from May 28 through June 10, 2024.

Program Cost & Funding

Program Fee: $3,600 (this estimation is subject to change. The final program fee will be confirmed well in advance of the initial deposit deadline.)

Funding Sources:

For SPARK eligible students, you will receive the $1,500 SPARK Grant from the Center for Life's Work. SPARK will also cover all three credits of summer tuition for this program. Final program fee: $2,100

For non-SPARK eligible studentsyou will be awarded a $600 scholarship from the Center for International Education. Non-SPARK students will also receive a 2-credit scholarship from the CIE, which will leave only 1-credit of summer tuition as the responsibility of the student. Final program fee: $3,000 + 1-credit

This program will be worth three academic credits in PHIS and will show up on your Summer A 2024 transcript. 

Program Fee Includes:

  • Round trip airfare
  • All hotels and accommodation
  • All meals part of the itinerary
  • All in-country transportation, including ferries
  • All projects, activities, workshops, museum entries, etc. part of the itinerary
  • Ground transportation to and from airports (if necessary) 
  • Travel Insurance

Not Included:

  • Passport (must be valid at least 6 months past the return date of the program). Contact Josh Fess as soon as possible for assistance with applying for or renewing your passport. NOTE: Passports are taking up to 11 weeks to be processed. Please apply for a passport as soon as possible if you want to study abroad during the 2023-24 academic year.
  • Additional meals (meals not in the itinerary)
  • Miscellaneous expenses (such as souvenirs, personal care items, etc.)
Application Deadline & Payment Timeline

October 20, 2023: Application due

November 20, 2023: Initial deposit due (still refundable)

December 11, 2023: Second payment due (all payments become non-refundable)

Mid-January: Payment #3

Mid-February: Payment #4

Mid-March: Final Payment (full program fee must be paid in full)

Course Information

PHIS 360 - 3 credit hybrid course

The 21st Century Museum: Diversity, Equity, and Community. This course provides students with an advanced experiential survey of contemporary issues in museology by studying museums in the United Kingdom, the site of some of the oldest and newest museums in the world. Students will travel to London and then to Oxford, Liverpool, Glasgow, and Belfast, where they will conduct grounded research and reflect on the changing mission of museums. Early museums focused on collecting objects, but contemporary museums engage audiences through an emotional experience while serving as sites of community change.  The twenty-first-century museum has embraced diversity, begun decolonizing the collections and exhibits, and built more inclusive displays by working with local and marginalized communities to share authority to do the work of social justice.

May: Summer A course begins - access set of readings and videos via Moodle on the 21st Century Museum

June: Complete two formal papers

Course assignments: Student learning will be assessed by the following:

  • Posts to a Moodle Forum during the trip;
  • Blog posts about the trip on social media; and,
  • Two formal written assignments
    • Formal paper #1: Reflection/assessment of the trip and learning experiences. 
    • Formal paper #2: Review of the mission, community outreach, diversity initiatives, and inclusiveness of exhibits in English museums (7-10 pages). 

Lessons from Studying Abroad

Emma Maskell '24 traveled to England and Northern Ireland during the summer after her first year of college. In addition to the great museum learning, she appreciated open time to explore the cities (including seeing Six The Musical onstage in the West End) with fellow students. "I urge you to take advantage of your SPARK Grant and study abroad," she said. 

Naz in the UK:

    Views from Abroad

      Tower Bridge
      Kew Gardens
      Trafalgar Square
      Churchill Museum

      At A Glance

      (S): SPARK-Eligible

      Semester: Summer A 2024

      Program Level: Undergraduate

      Program Type: Academic

      Major(s): Open to all majors, but may be better suited for the following majors/minors:

      • Anthropology
      • Art History
      • Education
      • History
      • International & Global Studies
      • Museums, Archives, and Public History
      • Political Science
      • Religious Studies
      • Sociology

      Language Requirement: None

      Minimum GPA Requirement: 2.5